Суббота, 27.07.2024
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Filled triangle 2 

Vector Ball 

Swirly screenshot

Circle Waves II 

Acorn "rotation" 

Bubble Universe 

C64 cracktro effect screenshot

Atari BASIC typings

Fractals(QB conversion) screenshot

Arabesque program screenshot

filled triangle screenshot

Starfield(convert from PowerBasic) screenshot

Dodecahedron+Icosahedron screenshot

icosahedron screenshot

dotted sphere torus 3d screenshot

QB port Apollonia fractals screenshot

Canvas Draw screenshot

Brian's Brain,  another implementation of Conway Life screenshot

3D models - cube etc

Langton's Loops screenshot

deltoide screenshot

Flat Shaded Cube screenshot

Gradient rainbow screenshot

BinaryTree  screenshot

Several ways of drawing circle  screenshot

little ethude screenshot

4 colors gradient generator screenshot

Polar Plasma(by Optimus) screenshot

Sierpinsky Carpet  screenshot

Floyd–Steinberg_dithering screenshot

Dithered routines

Bayer Dither

Dancing Circles screenshot inspired by TIC-80 demo

LBM viewer(incomplete) screenshot

3d sierpinsky(fake) screenshot

sinpaths screenshot

amoe screenshot


v2m player

STSound lubrary for play .YM

ayfly.dll example

OSMEngine, PureBasic screenshot

SinWave generator screenshot

AHX/HVL player + tune

sc68 player

PETSCII paint 0.9 screenshot

6502lite v2 screenshot

Sam Coupe mode 4 viewer screenshot

CHIP-8 debug screenshot

MAC65 detokenizator

6502 disasm 0.9 screenshot

taprip screenshot extracts all file from ZX .tap file

Quiltrex remake screenshot

PDP11 disassembler(incomplete) screenshot

Sprite Grabber 2 screenshot

2d - color modes, bug fixes

0.9b - fix with save image

0.9c(fixed height window)

added option "Nibble swap" for HP48 v2a

2c some improvements


TIC80-packer compresses scripts for .tic

BinaryGrabber0.10.1(ReverseBytes added) screenshot

SpriteGrabber 0.10.0 screenshot

53c painter screenshot


Old version




SinView screenshot

ZXtext 0.2 screenshot 0.41

Monoblock - create .SCL from .TRD(prerelease) screenshot

Monoblock 1.0

SecRead screenshot


ch8x8 2.0.9e font  8x8 editor screenshot

older versions:


ch8x8v2 0.9b

ch8x8v2 0.9c

0.2.1 screenshot

Ch8x8 v2 0.9 screenshot

0.9a extra operations with block copy, context menu

ch8x8 2.0.9d


d80 viewer tool for veiw d80 contents and extract files screenshot

ZX Basic deTokenizer screenshot

099a - old version

099b fix with font


TextModeView screenshot

Apple II Lo res painter screenshot

/pb/lorespa.zip 0.2

Sprite to ZX screen,screenshot

old version: /pb/spr2scr.zip

fixed width:/pb/SpriteToZXScr1.zip

blendpic -join to 6912 .scr screenshot

Sprite Grabber/pb/bingrab.7z

Text Decoder

/pb/td09.ZIP screenshot

1.0: /pb/td10.ZIP






1.3.2 /pb/td132.zip

1.3.2a /pb/td132a.zip

1.3.2b /pb/td132b.zip

1.3.2d /pb/td132d.zip


1.3.2f screenshot


Hob2scl.zip screenshot - convert Hobeta format to .scl old version

ScrView screenshot search 6912 data in files -.sna,.trd

deAAA screenshot ZX ,scr animation parser

zx2pic v3 screenshot

older versions: zx2pic

NEW! preview - fix with GUI

Screen opimizer screenshot some operation with 6912 ..scr files





1.oj - bugfixes, added 'fill atribute' command

Z80 disassembler 0.9 screenshot

0.9z - new font+fixed errors

Z80 disassemvbler old version screenshot


Binary Sprite Grabber 0.10.0 screenshot

/pb/chunk4x4.zip screenshot

/pb/vgagrab.zip v1.1 screenshot 

Black Paint screenshot

bin2tap - example of .TAP creation

MacPaint viewer screenshot

Intel 4004simulator screenshot

Ataribook screenshot

Amiga ASCII(need GDI32.dll) screenshot

6502lite v2 screenshot

zx7 unpacker

snakes преобразование спрайта для вывода "змейкой".

zx2gif screenshot

Atari book 2.0 screenshot

8080dis screenshot

keymouse - scroll window using mouse and hotkeys

icon tools - extract,join

Now Playing winamp plugin screenshot

zoomview x64 for Windows 10 screenshot

several clocks(for habrashithabr) screenshot1 screenshot2

fixed version for transparent clock

Window Maximizer 2.2 screenshot 2.3

win+R launcher ,screenshot

Shell Extension "Move To Folder "beta, preview ANSI+Unicode screenshot

Capture Active window

Simple launcher

MouseClock - simple clock screenshot

09b - with menu

maxiwnd -maximize window wih hotkey

NEW -settings available

maxiwind with GUI

NEW! maxiwind 2.0 added Win+PrSc for capture active window

DigiClock , simple destop mate screenshot

Turns monitor to white background. Click on white to remove it.white

Rule Windows 0.9 allow to control windows: close,stay on top,transparent. right click on systray icon. Src inside.

/pb/keys.zip screenshot Имитация нажатие клавиш Shifft Ctrl Alt. Может работать нестабильно.

/pb/iconlist.zip screenshot Generates image from choosen icons

прежняя версия/pb/iconlist09.zip

вечный календарь ? screenshot

 Вечный календарь 19b(fix errors)

ColorPicker(small example) screenshot

Bar Eyes II - desktop mate screenshot

Directory Compare 1.0 screenshot

Older version


DirectoryCompare - pre-release


Subtitle-transparent multiline text screenshot

File translit

0.9 screenshot

Desktop Resolution 

text gadgets with background 


x86 opcode list screenshot

Little-Big Endian screenshot

b2i-Bin2inc screenshot

ASCII table 0.9(KOI8R,866,1251) screenshot

v1.0 Left click copy character to clipboard, keep settings

ASCII chart screenshot

bin2inc Binary to include/Basic source screenshot

Z80 info v0.8

z80 v0.9 screenshot

6502 instruction set screenshot

converter Z80<>8080 /pb/1.0c.zip screenshot

 1.0e fixed

 1.0d screenshot Fix for Z80 check syntax, Error highlighting

1.0e screenshot see readme.txt

BrainF*k interpreter(not tested)/pb/bfi2.rar screenshot

/pb/IDAclean.zip screenshhot

/pb/IDAclean2.zip screenshot

GenSeq(old version) screenshot Generate numbered text sequences, Drag'n'drop text or files, choose string combination and Counter number types.

New GenSeq fix window style

/pb/z808080.zip screenshot convert z80 <>8080 opcodes

evaluate expression(unfinished)

opcode x86(fasm.dll) screenshot

greps screenshot

100! bignumber screenshot

zodiac screenshot

De-script2 screenshot delete scripts from HTML

Wrong Letters 0.9 screenshot replace wrong Unicode letters to correct ё,й,Й

0.9a - some fixes for GUI

0.9b - multiline support screenshot

0.9c - Greek letters added

URLstripper screenshot strips domain name from URL

f2s Add-on for TotalCommander : places to clipboard filesize

deUTF8 II 0.9b screenshot

CaSe - case converter(preview) screenshot

CaSe2 1.0  screenshot

 1.0b - small fix

mynoter - note keeper screenshot

MyDictionary prerelease,screenshot

Pixelate0.9a,preview - Image manipulate - grayscale, pixelate.(Netscroll for change size of area)

umlaut screenshot

decript II - clean HTML screenshot

Unicode chars screenshot

Convert File Names screenshot

ANSI version(no trojan detect)

CCCP text obfuckate screenshot


timer screenshot

intag screenshot

TCFolder - browse for folder on active panel screenshot

Pipes! screenshot - puzzle

Сумма прописью не проверена до конца /pb/sump.zip screenshot

DeUTF8, convert UTF-8 to win1251 executable+sources: /pb/deutf8.zip screenshot

/pb/de-script.zip removes  "script" tag from HTML screenshot

WinErr screenshot - text message from GetLastError

De-Script 2.0, improved version screenshot

/pb/clipmon.zip screenshot clipboard viewer

/pb/textrule.zip screenshot - text length calculator smile

DropName screenshot create list of files and folders

deCAPS screenshot

Groups screenshot

DeScript3 screenshot

Beams of Light screenshot - guide beam from left to right thru all crystals.

Drag image by mouse [x]No screenshot

 TextDraw - creates some PNG with text screenshot

Add number  99 digits screenshot

CalcText  screenshot

Fibonacci sequence  screenshot

GIF encoder

Regex tester screenshot

un-HTML - erases scripts and some parts screenshot

2^n screenshot

StylishFont screenshot


Editable ListIconGadget screenshot

UTF-8 to Unicode /1251 - incomplete

unic 1.0 screenshot  display char by number. Extra options via system menu

zlib example

utf8 to 1251 screenshot API version

GradientGenerator screenshot

CopyT screenshot - repeats text N times

Numberer0.1 screenshot - Line numeration

Figlet(incomplete) screenshot

Caesar Cipher(Шифр Цезаря) screenshot

Шифр Гронсфельда screenshot

HTML entity screenshot

Glossary 0.4 screenshot


Checkboses with ComboBox/ListBox screenshot

UTF-8 detect

lz4 decompress

dir2JSON screenshot

W3Colors screenshot

PNG text chunks reader screenshot

TC .wcx usage screenshot

String 2 Numbers screenshot

unic2.0 screenshot

Image Commenter 0.9 screenshot

Word Scramble screenshot

HBMP to .ico file

WinDir screenshot Keep any folder tree

Flatt Button 3d 


Text tools

URI coder screenshot

old version URL encoder screenshot

ХЙ text obfuscate screenshot

Language resource example screenshot


Romans<>Integer screenshot

Prime screenshot

GMP example : calculate 2^64-1



ImageCommenter 1.1 


BMP create example


reading S.M.A.R.T. hdd temperature

NameCut  Cut long filename

Copy Date/Time 

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